Monday, October 29, 2012

Moving On

Already halfway done with my intro Coursera class, trying to look into practical applications now.  Seeing if I can write something that will help me every day, or at work, etc.

In the meantime, I've typed out what I think they should do once written, but I have a bit more to work through before I am confident that it will succeed.

Signed up for classes at a local city college so I can begin working towards a piece of paper that acknowledges my course completions, as well as allowing me to have dedicated time to learn instead of be distracted by other things that need doing.

I figure, get a certificate in programming (learning ruby-on-rails, C++, and a course on linux, plus the other requirements) that requires 30 hours, use those credits to get an associate's degree, then use those to move on to finish my Bachelor's degree (which already has all core classes completed and at this point a bunch of useless ones also completed).

While working though this will take many more years than intended, but so long as it is applicable knowledge I have no trouble with that.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Irrationality, and other mind problems

Today will mark 4 measly days since my goal was established and I'm glad to say I have both a much further way to go and am a lot closer than I imagined all in one.  It's like a long road trip, when you can finally see your destination at the horizon, but then as night falls it still seems so far away, but at least its in your sights now.

I would not claim to be a smart man, but I would estimate somewhere around average, if not a little below.  I have taken classes though in debate, reasoned argument, persuasion and philosophy, and have always believed myself to be a fairly rational person.  I was wrong.  These things merely helped to cover up or justify my irrationality, and led to complacency in thought.

Lacking knowledge is one thing, that ignorance can be rectified by seeking out where you are deficient and gaining the knowledge that was missing previously.  I can deal with being ignorant because I am pursuing my goal which will alleviate some ignorance and put me on the path to eliminate as much of it as I am able to.  What I cannot deal with is my brain slacking off as much as it wants to.

I have to constantly catch myself and redirect my attention, force myself to continue reading to try and make sense the words my eyes see, while my mind lingers on other, far less important, topics.  My brain will not simply read past a problem it has with subject-verb-agreement even if the problem is rectified later on in the sentence.

I feel as if my habits have attenuated my brain to expect regular dopamine drips from reading blurbs and looking at funny pictures rather than the ways I used to behave.  I hope, with effort, it can be converted back to the way it used to function, and that this setting is only temporary.

It's only been four days, and I'm even more determined now than before.  I have a long way to go, longer than I thought originally, but the change should be very much worth it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I've spent a lot of time under the impression that I do not have anything unique to contribute to humanity/society/art/science/etc, and that has lead me to believe that living a mediocre life, with a solid internet connection, and simply watching the world pass me by was acceptable.  The goal was to live and see the future happen around me, while maximizing fun and happiness.

This is no longer an acceptable goal to me any longer, as I refuse to be merely ambitious without an ambition.

I am no longer content to sit by and watch the world happen around me, I choose to contribute to it.  This blog is not viewed by anyone, but it is enough of a start for me to get this down in writing and have it made -technically - public.

My aim is to be less wrong about the world around me, more rational in every day thinking as well as problem-solving, and I will learn, in detail, how to affect the world around me through computing.

My specific goal is to end up working on artificial intelligence.  To achieve this I am returning to school to learn programming, how computers work in general, logic, and rationality.

Wish me luck.