Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I've spent a lot of time under the impression that I do not have anything unique to contribute to humanity/society/art/science/etc, and that has lead me to believe that living a mediocre life, with a solid internet connection, and simply watching the world pass me by was acceptable.  The goal was to live and see the future happen around me, while maximizing fun and happiness.

This is no longer an acceptable goal to me any longer, as I refuse to be merely ambitious without an ambition.

I am no longer content to sit by and watch the world happen around me, I choose to contribute to it.  This blog is not viewed by anyone, but it is enough of a start for me to get this down in writing and have it made -technically - public.

My aim is to be less wrong about the world around me, more rational in every day thinking as well as problem-solving, and I will learn, in detail, how to affect the world around me through computing.

My specific goal is to end up working on artificial intelligence.  To achieve this I am returning to school to learn programming, how computers work in general, logic, and rationality.

Wish me luck.