Thursday, December 7, 2006

Philosophy Class

Sitting in Philosophy class...can't sleep...its past 9:45am...why am i tired? Does it even matter anymore? Am I listening? Why is he talking around himself? There are so many questions we have for the final...why is THIS what were talking about? He still hasn't answer the question he's been asked...and the next one? Same. "The Distance between appearance and reality shows that we are immediatly aware of our own senses...and not pure objects." thats nice and all..but the question had much more to do with artificial intelligence...



Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gilbert Ryle, Daniel Dennett, and John Searle...

What do I have against them? Is it only the way the information is presented to us? I find this topic interresting...why Can't I enjoy it?
Have I lost interest? Or is it truly just this class? No, not just this class...Other classes as well...I enjoyed them months ago...why not any longer?


Categorical mistake: Mental existance and physical existance are two species of the same genius of existance. This based off of Ryle.

Fof if they are the same...does it matter? Does it matter if we come to some understanding of the universe that is different from what we have already? If we discover that the universe doesn't exist and that it is all an illusion...does it change the fact that If I miss class tomorrow it won't be a valid excuse?

I don;t know...will edit later

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