Tuesday, February 6, 2007

99 red balloons

What does bring meaning into life?

So many Cliched statements, about technology and society ruining life's meaning and making us materialistic and somehow forcing us to loose sight of what is meaningful, are out there.

Are we really that different from when we supposedly had these glorious insights into a world of meaning?

Have advertisements and politics and technology and the quickness of everything really made us this different?

I would have to disagree completely. These things have not promoted nor enhanced nor done anything else to make us loose sight of meaning in our lives. I would not presume to say that this blog is what keeps me going and that it brings meaning to my life...it IS a means for me to share my views and topics with others who are willing to sit there and read it.

Meaning in life is just something we come up with. The theory of there being NO real meaning to our lives is so much more plausible. We are organisms in a dish, called our universe, that no one is watching and no one is caring about. We flutter around int our pathetically limited lives with view of an afterlife, trying to make sense out of our universe that we know almost NOTHING about. Meaning in our lives then is a nonsensical point then...right?

The truth is that WE give meaning to or lives. No one else need be there to give meaning to our lives. Regardless of weather or not there is a god or not does not hold bearing over weather or not our lives have meaning. There is nothing out there that can hold it over your head. No force can tell you that your life does not have meaning if YOU have given it to yourself.

Although that sounds rather self-centered and such, it is true. God being there or not does not determine if our lives have meaning at all! Being there any form of a creator does not give you meaning in life. What it means is that your predestinative view that God's grand plan comes into play is irrelevant. By you giving meaning to your life you eradicate any view of a God predetermining your existence.

What it does mean though, is that if you do believe in God, that you simply believe time does not affect him. He knows what you are to do based on the fact that you've been given free choice in every situation, and he has viewed everything you've done...not that he's fast forwarded in time or anything...because that would mean that you could change it if you knew...but the fact that time is irrelevant to him. He has seen the end of time (whenever) and thus forth everything that has happened or not...

Even him having this power or not does not give meaning to our lives. Being that this is meant to prove that meaning is not given by any God figure, I reaffirm that regardless of God's presence or absence your life Can have Meaning.

Going back to the beginning though, technology and society do not determine our meaning either. These are God-like figures to some. They are big voids where blame can be consumed. Small things can do far more than the largest things like society. Society is an easy scapegoat. Blame how things in general are going and relate that to whatever you want and you have a winning argument.

Defending society is much more difficult. Society is not at fault for any of our shortcomings. It does not determine that because we live in this time and in this country and in this region and in this demographic that we no longer have the ability to have meaning. We have not lost anything, as individuals, from what we have had before. Society was still around, and there were other things that people blamed for how bad things were...but there not so bad.

The butterfly effect...The theory that the smallest things can add up and create things bigger than imagined. The classic example of the butterfly flapping its wings and creating a storm months later than might not have come around had the butterfly not existed. Small changes in society can cause a much much bigger change than anticipated. It may not be a large on at the beginning, maybe just because no one has heard about it...but eventually...if it means enough...it will create change.

But of course,

The best intentions can cause the worst of situations. With this blog right now + the butterfly effect, technically anything is possible...including the next world war. With the best intentions in mind after giving meaning to whatever I've proposed, society and technology and God and anything else powerful enough to tear us down CAN...

Setting balloons free at the break of dawn can destroy the world...or a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa can cause a tsunami in America with the right situations...

Create meaning in your own life...do what you feel is right...change for the better and grow.


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