Thursday, December 7, 2006

4th Wall eh?

Its 1:57am when I begin to write this...please forgive any spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Nifty analogy between the actor in the the movie and the ticket price Rob. This leads me to another point I wish I'd made previously. I've now taken this philosophy course, and I've seen various lecutres on the subject. Besides the fact that Philosophy and Theology are more or less the same, the concepts are always based on what the philosopher understood...or thought...or liked.

Although the most acceptable philosophy may be the one everyone likes the best, what is true does not have to be even realatively close to that. Socrates and Plato searched for the soul though knowlege, they based their thoughts off of the "understanding" that knowlege is incorporeal...and therefore the only thing that is our soul....more or less... Besides believing in one thing or another dosesn't matter... what is true and what the true nature of the universe IS and nothing we think or hope or wish it to be will be. The universe is not here for us...we are here for it.

To regres back to Plato and Socrates, Their philosophies spawned from the belief that we even have a soul, and that our soul is our true selves. Regardless of what you (The reader) may believe or not believe, the truth will not change depending on that. Say, for example, you are a devote Catholic...well, if you spend your entire life striving for the ideals of the church, and then you die...and there is no soul within you...then thats just are dead...and anything you've done on this plane of existance is all that shall be.

Will Update Later...with the continued expansion of the atual argument that you hve yet to see... sorry guys

I believe I perceive that I have the ability to alter my perceptions.

I believe I perceive that I have the ability to alter my perceptions.
If I have nothing else to work with, it doesn't matter whether or not my existence is real, or virtual. If, at the edge of the universe, all is encircled by a gigantic metal ring, or isn't, it's still the same universe. At least as far as we can tell. That metal ring doesn't affect us, and while it might fundamentally alter the way we think the universe is, if I can't see it, and it doesn't affect me in any way, then who cares? It's irrelevant to the way I live my life, or the way I perceive that I live my life. If we're in pods sucking nutreints through a straw with artificial reality being beamed into our skulls, well, if there's no way out and no way in, then it shouldn't affect how I live. Nihilism is stupid because if nothing is real, well- who cares? I perceive certain things, or hell, I've deluded myself into perceiving them. The end result is the same. If my life is a movie, I'm not in any position to start arguing over the ticket price, because I'm IN THE MOVIE. And no matter how hard a movie character strains at the fourth wall, he will never, ever break through.

Philosophy Class

Sitting in Philosophy class...can't sleep...its past 9:45am...why am i tired? Does it even matter anymore? Am I listening? Why is he talking around himself? There are so many questions we have for the final...why is THIS what were talking about? He still hasn't answer the question he's been asked...and the next one? Same. "The Distance between appearance and reality shows that we are immediatly aware of our own senses...and not pure objects." thats nice and all..but the question had much more to do with artificial intelligence...



Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Gilbert Ryle, Daniel Dennett, and John Searle...

What do I have against them? Is it only the way the information is presented to us? I find this topic interresting...why Can't I enjoy it?
Have I lost interest? Or is it truly just this class? No, not just this class...Other classes as well...I enjoyed them months ago...why not any longer?


Categorical mistake: Mental existance and physical existance are two species of the same genius of existance. This based off of Ryle.

Fof if they are the same...does it matter? Does it matter if we come to some understanding of the universe that is different from what we have already? If we discover that the universe doesn't exist and that it is all an illusion...does it change the fact that If I miss class tomorrow it won't be a valid excuse?

I don;t know...will edit later