Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Jack Thompson

What an asshole.

That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think of this prick. Ooo! There's another one! How can one man be so focused on making Video Games out to be a killer instead of the actual people going out and shooting people? He's belittling those that lost their lives! To say that it was because of violent video games and not because of a plethora of other things in the kid's life is to say that the reason I got my license plates stolen was because someone read Aladin. B...but...he stole stuff in the book! That means that people that read it automatically want to go and steal s...stuff...right? No idiot. When I play Halo, the LAST think I want to do is get guns and shoot other real people. I'd rather raise my gamer score so I can actually play with my friends later. Oh, by the way, I know that killing people in real life WON'T raise my gamer score.

Supposedly this kid who shot up the Virginia University played WoW. Well...unless he was a Hunter, none of them use guns anyways. Oh, and none of WoW depicts shooting up schools either.

Jack Thompson needs to be prosecuted for slander on an entire industry, and any downfall in sales due to his statements. I'd estimate that at...hmmm.... all of his money forever.

I'm not bashing him for having different views than I do. People don't have to like video games...they just can't use them as a scapegoat and dodge the real fucking problem! Video games didn't tell this kid in Virginia to go shoot as many people as he could! They wern't an extensive training video that told him the best way to go shoot civilians! They were games!

In the columbine shooting Jack Thompson said that the boys who shot their fellow students played DOOM. Not Doom 3 or anything REMOTELY realistic...but a game where as long as you can see a moving guy, aim in his general direction an you'll shoot at 85 degree angles up or down... Not to mention the fact that it looks like someone drew each fram in MSPaint...

Oh yea Jack... They shot up their school because of fucking Doom...

Fucking Idiot...
